Navigating complexity: the indispensable role of the trustee secretary in project coordination
This project showcased the essential role of diverse skills and expertise in supporting our client through a complex programme. By acting as the client's primary contact and coordination point, we demonstrated our commitment to delivering a first-class service in line with our core values.

Supporting a complex Guaranteed Minimum Pension (GMP) equalisation project, we worked with a large defined benefit pension scheme client that we had been providing Trustee secretarial services to. The project presented a unique challenge given its complexity and the involvement of numerous stakeholders.
The client was in the midst of a series of intricate benefit changes and updates relating to their GMP equalisation project. They were receiving input and views from multiple advisers, some of which were conflicting, adding further complexity to the programme. Additionally, they needed support in coordinating the programme and aligning the timetables of both Trustees and advisers.
We leveraged the expertise of our Trustee Secretarial team, including their backgrounds in administration, actuarial, and pensions management, to help cut through the noise and set priorities. We coordinated advisers to ensure alignment with the trustees’ interests and goals. Additionally, our Trustee secretary was able to draw on our in-house technical team and project managers to support the programme.
We successfully established project governance and management, providing the Trustees with a well-structured framework complete with fully managed deliverables. In addition to this, we offered consulting support as part of the programme to help the Trustees shape their strategy. This structure allowed the project to progress within a clearly defined framework, lifting some of the burden from the Trustee board. Day-to-day monitoring was also delegated to the Trafalgar House Secretary.