Important information about Trafalgar House Pensions Administration Limited and the use of our work

Trafalgar House Pensions Administration Limited (“Trafalgar House”), a limited company registered in England under 11101662, whose registered address is Ascent 4, 2 Gladiator Way, Farnborough GU14 6XN and whose main trading address is Ascent 4, 2 Gladiator Way, Farnborough GU14 6XN.

Trafalgar House is a registered trademark in the UK (Regd. TM No 1388422).

If you have received an e-mail from Trafalgar House

There is a significant risk posed by cyber fraud, specifically affecting email accounts, bank account details or confidential information. If you receive a suspicious or unexpected email from us, or purporting to have been sent on our behalf, please do not reply to the email, click on any links, open any attachments or comply with any instructions contained within it. Instead, please telephone your Trafalgar House contact to verify the email. Trafalgar House accepts no responsibility for any losses arising from any transfer of funds or disclosure of confidential information.

All messages sent to and from Trafalgar House are monitored to ensure compliance with internal policies and to protect our business. Please note that our servers may not be located in your country.


It is our policy to send all attachments fully encrypted via Citrix ShareFile. Our systems automatically convert email attachments to encrypted files. Our team members may not circumvent this policy or send files using less secure methods. Password protected files are not secure. We observe this policy to protect our clients and pension scheme members. We will not compromise on security. If you are unable to open or access Citrix ShareFile documents, you may request that we send this information to you by post.


This e-mail and any attachments are strictly confidential. It may also be privileged or otherwise protected by work product immunity or other legal rules. If you are not the intended recipient please let us know by reply and then delete it from your system. You should not copy it or disclose its contents to anyone. Warning: It is the responsibility of the recipient to ensure that the opening, use and onward transmission of this message and any attachments will not adversely affect its systems or data. Please carry out such virus and other checks as you consider appropriate. No responsibility is accepted by Trafalgar House in this regard.

If you have received information from Trafalgar House

Please note that our work (whether sent to you by email, by letter, in presentation slides or otherwise) is only appropriate for the purposes described and should not be used for anything else. It is subject to any stated limitations (e.g. regarding accuracy or completeness). Unless otherwise stated, it is confidential and is for your sole use. You may not provide our work, in whole or in part, to anyone else without first obtaining our permission in writing. We accept no liability to anyone who is not our client.

If the purpose of our work is to assist you in supplying information to someone else and you acknowledge our assistance in your communication to that person, please also make it clear that we accept no liability towards them.

Mutual respect policy

We are committed to creating and maintaining a working environment based on dignity and mutual respect. Our Mutual Respect Policy sets out what we ask of you, as well as the measures we take to preserve the dignity and self-esteem of everyone that works at Trafalgar House.

Privacy Notice

Read our Privacy Notice here.

Information Security Policy

Read our Information Security Policy here.